Standing desks are the latest addition to office furniture design and desking solutions. Numerous studies and reports in the media claim that sedentary behaviour and prolonged sitting at work can have a massive impact on your health and well-being.  Sitting has been labelled as the new smoking - promote an active lifestyle to try and combat the effects today!

Standing at work and breaking up long periods of sitting can help prevent the effects of sedentary behaviour such as; type 2 diabetes and obesity. Prolonged sitting slows down the metabolic rate which effects the body's blood sugar, blood pressure and ability to break down body fat. Sitting exerts far less calories than standing leading to bigger waist circumference and body mass index.

Research shows standing for an extra 2 hours per day can help lower blood sugar levels. This split into regular intervals throughout the day is equivalent to just 15 minutes per hour. Not only does an active lifestyle prevent aches, pains, and health problems caused by sedentary behaviour but also increases employee morale and productivity in the workplace.

A simple switch from sitting to standing at work can have unbelievable benefits. A clever yet simple way to get started is with a sit stand desk. Banish back problems and get set for a healthier 2017.

View our range of options to suit any budget today.