Sit stand desks have been around since the 18th and 19th centuries where they were popular in the homes and offices of the rich. In the last few years they have regained their popularity due to their suspected link to health benefits. Everyone's talking about them, but what is a sit stand desk?

A sit stand desk (or height adjustable desk) is a desk that can be adjusted from sitting to standing height.

Most seated desks have a standardized height of around 740mm, whereas sit stand desks can range in height from 680 to 1205mm depending on the manufacture. A range of heights allows the desk to adapt to the individual user - after all we are all different sizes.

There are a number of variations available:

Hand crank- simply wind the desk up and down

Counterbalance system- apply weight to the top allowing it to lower, or lift by pushing a lever

Electronic motor - moves up and down at the push of a button whilst plugged into a power source. They all range in price but with numerous options available from budget to high-end there's no reason to say no.

Height adjustable desks are taking the place of seated desks. Standing instead of sitting prevents issues caused from prolonged sitting and sedentary behaviour. Standing activates fat burning enzymes, engages muscles and accelerates blood circulation aiding towards improved energy levels and productivity.

There's no surprise they are in high demand!